Friday, February 19, 2016


These three donkeys have been part of LDE since we got here....

.....and they now all pregnant!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Agriculture Apprenticeship - The Tale of Two Interns- Tumi and Moitato

In Southern Africa today, farmers are aging with the average farmer in their 60’s.

The transfer of the skills of farming, the art and science of agriculture to the next generation of farmers starts with training.

Our obligation to sustainable agriculture compelled us to incorporate an internship/apprenticeship programme for young agriculturalists seeking an inspiring, unquestionably rewarding and valuable work experience before embarking on our dairymen training programme in the USA.

These future farmers form the next generation of farmers upon which the replacements for the mature farmers is derived from and have had an opportunity to see our Lobatse Dairy project from infancy.

Tumi and Moitato have learnt the ropes from more experienced professionals and “agropreneurs” and now form part of our intellectual pool vital to the expansion of the emerging sustainable food system.

Moitato (left) and Tumi (right)
Tumi (left) and Moitato (right)
 A quick soils lesson......

 Mzee - our Madala - a walking encyclopedia on anything CAT Dozer related!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Construction Updates

We started with the construction of our bio-security entrance........