Thursday, September 25, 2014

Boreholes and Water

In Botswana one of the most important Setswana words is Pula, meaning:

Pula: the currency of Botswana
Pula: Blessings 
Pula: Rain
Botswana is a dry, landlocked country and any precipitation which is as valuable as money and is a blessed event. 

It rains in Botswana
With sunshine

 Let it rain
More rain...
MilkAfric has carefully surveyed, explored and secured groundwater around Lobatse for its dairy operations.

Locating Boreholes

Under the watchful eye of branch managers-lol!
Note the vegetation
Borehole with transfromer 
 Mature palm tree in Lobatse
 Defunct borehole pipes
 Team work
 One of the unprotected boreholes
 Disused borehole
 With staff from Water Affairs locating boreholes using  maps and GPS.
 It was a hot day!
Another capped borehole
 More walking!
 Karen helped with getting the coordinates.
 A protected borehole
Well deserved break
 Flow metre
                                                    View of Boswelatlou - the dairy site
 Nelson  at Boswelatlou
 There is always a shade tree
  Wild fruit

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