Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Meet Our Students - Future MilkAfric Botswana Dairy Leadership

MilkAfric congratulates the following applicants for the successful completion of the orientation and US visa selection process for the Dairyman Certificate Course to be conducted at the University of Florida and Alliance Dairies in the USA.
We wish you the best in your studies
"Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
Amogelang Gaemelwe 

 Bernard Richard
Kuzani Nguazena 

Thabo Seoseng 
Thabo Ishmael Rakgwasi 

Tumelo Moses Kebinaefe 
 Ishmael Merafe

 Mompoloki Adumeleng

Ramalepa Rhemsten Pile 

Onkemetse Ronald Bareki 
Samuel Maxwell Boiditswe 

Reikanne Lentlafetse 
 Moitato Moitato

Tshepo Moabi

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